Eerdere activiteit

Resultaten Leergang Data & Technologie

De 3 maands-leergang Data & Technologie was opgezet voor boeren die willen leren van andere boeren. De basis werd gevormd door lopende projecten bij de koplopers. Waar lopen ze tegenaan en hoe gaan ze met obstakels om? Als kop en staart van de leergang was er de...

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Maritieme Hack

Er zijn belangrijke stappen te zetten op weg naar toekomstbestendige visserij en de maritieme sector staat dan ook bol van innovaties. Tijdens de Maritieme Hack gaan we hiermee aan de slag. De Maritieme Hack zal gehouden worden van 6 tot 8 oktober tijdens de maritieme...

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KPI gebiedspilots in 2022

Kritische Prestatie Indicatoren: van maatregelen naar doelen Allerlei maatregelvoorschriften komen samen op het boerenerf, met als gevolg dat door alle (maat)regels de achterliggende doelen uit beeld verdwijnen. Vandaar dat er vanuit de landbouwsector behoefte is om...

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Results Carbon Hack

On the 21st and 22nd of March, two teams deepdived data for carbon sequestration on the experimental farm De Rusthoeve in Zeeland for 32 hours. The hackathon was part of the search for a user-friendly tool that is easy to use and provides farmers insight into the carbon sequestration on their farm. Although still very preliminary, teams felt the combination of these two data sources is potentially very powerful. In this blogpost you’ll read about the results!

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COVID-19 Do It Yourself Hackathon

In light of the current COVID-19 crisis, the SmartAgriHubs program is stimulating the development of digital innovations which can help tackle the challenges faced by the Agrifood sector with the launch of two open calls. Next to immediate technological solutions, they are also supporting hackathon type of activities. Our 2cents on the relevance of hackathons and an introduction to the DIY toolkit.

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Lely & Rovecom challenge

Lely & Rovecom challenge

The WUR Life Sciences hackathon on the 25 & 26th of October is a 32-hour long event to ignite data- and tech-driven collaborations across boundaries. Students, tech entrepreneurs, researchers, and domain experts work jointly on targeted challenges, side by side...

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Unilever challenge

The WUR Life Sciences hackathon on the 25 & 26th of October is a 32-hour long event to ignite data- and tech-driven collaborations across boundaries. Students, tech entrepreneurs, researchers, and domain experts work jointly on targeted challenges, side by side...

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Hendrix Genetics challenge

The WUR Life Sciences hackathon on the 25 & 26th of October is a 32-hour long event to ignite data- and tech-driven collaborations across boundaries. Students, tech entrepreneurs, researchers, and domain experts work jointly on targeted challenges side by side...

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Agri Tech Hack in Bulgaria

Bulgaria is quite recognized for its buzzing tech scene, but hardly ever these techies find their way to the farm. Now we are calling on them! Scroll your google map to the east, stop at the Black Sea and then to the south. Join us in a rural village called Izgrev, at the Agri Tech Hackathon, the first of its kind in the country. Mark your calendars! Destination Izgrev!

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WUR Life Sciences Hack

The very first WUR Life Sciences Hack will take place on the 25th and 26th of October! A 32 hours hackathon to ignite data- and tech-driven collaborations between students, tech entrepreneurs, researchers and domain experts. Don’t miss out and preregister for this unique event!

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